sluggish currentの例文


  1. Crowded tenements lined both banks of the river, with their outhouses in the back emptying directly into the sluggish current.
  2. It is a broad, deep river, flowing with a strong yet sluggish current until it passes the limits of this state.


  1. "sluggish"の例文
  2. "sluggish air"の例文
  3. "sluggish circulation"の例文
  4. "sluggish cognitive tempo"の例文
  5. "sluggish control"の例文
  6. "sluggish economy"の例文
  7. "sluggish flow"の例文
  8. "sluggish flowing"の例文
  9. "sluggish market"の例文
  10. "sluggish metabolism"の例文
  11. "sluggish cognitive tempo"の例文
  12. "sluggish control"の例文
  13. "sluggish economy"の例文
  14. "sluggish flow"の例文

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